Publisher: MIGLIA, S.L.
ISBN: 9781840815552
Exercise and working out, 12th edition (p. 858)
Exercise and Working Out
13. Exercising with bad shoes.
You have to work harder to break free if your shoes pinch your feet, and eventually your body will get in a position where it's hard to.
pc-navigo 2012.25
Exercise and Working Out
13. Exercising with bad shoes.
You have to work harder to break free if your shoes pinch your feet, and eventually your body will get in a position where it's hard to.
Publisher: MIGLIA, S.L.
ISBN: 9781840815552
Exercise for a Vibrant Life by Martin LaVoy (p. 563)
Exercise for a Vibrant Life
14. Other versions.
In the initial publication, this book was published in an English-language edition by.
pc-navigo 2012.25
Other versions.
In the initial publication, this book was published in an English-language edition by.Q:
mysql select rows based on the following condition
I need to select the first 5 rows of a table and then count how many rows there are in the table but the problem is I only want the first 5 based on a certain condition. I have 2 sets of data that are being loaded into the table. Lets say the first 5 rows are loaded and are the only 5 in the table. Then say the next 5 are loaded into the table. I only want the first 5 in the table.
select * from (
SELECT *, 1 as counter FROM table ORDER BY condition
) x;
select * from table WHERE condition ORDER BY condition LIMIT 5;
SELECT * FROM table_name LIMIT 5
Since LIMIT is a MySQL specific statement, the standard ANSI-SQL way is using ROWNUM:
SELECT *, ROWNUM AS row_number
FROM table_name
ORDER BY condition
WHERE row_number Police: Man found trying to cut and sell genitals
An Indiana man may have been ac619d1d87
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